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How to clean a fridge at home to remove smell?

Jul 21, 2023 Read Time: 10 Min   (199)

Your fridge is the workhorse of your kitchen. But you are less likely to clean it regularly. That’s primarily because it is an arduous task to clean a fridge, and secondly, your work-life balance chaos may not permit you to do so. But when your fridge starts emitting foul smells, you know it’s time to prioritise cleaning your fridge. A clean and fresh-smelling fridge is essential for maintaining food quality and a pleasant kitchen environment.

Lingering bad smell in a fridge can be due to accidental unplugging of the fridge, electrical issues or leftover food gone bad. You should not ignore the bad smells coming from your fridge any longer as it can affect your and your family's health. If you do not know how to clean a fridge or are unsure about the cleaning process, worry not!

Following are detailed steps on how to remove bad smells from the fridge:

Preparing for the Fridge Cleaning Process

Before deep cleaning your home's fridge, gather all the necessary supplies and equipment. You will need a soft cloth, sponge, mild dish soap, baking soda, vinegar, water, a bowl and a towel. Adjust the temperature of the refrigerator or unplug it temporarily to prevent food spoilage during the cleaning process.

Emptying and Organising the Fridge

You should remove all the items from your fridge, disposing of expired or spoiled food. Take the opportunity to sort the remaining items, optimising storage and preventing odours in the future. For double-door fridges or side-by-side refrigerators, ensure food is stored appropriately in the designated compartments based on cooling levels.

Cleaning the Fridge Interiors

Create a home-based cleaning solution to clean the interiors of the fridge. Make a solution of mild dish soap and warm water. Dip a cloth or sponge into the solution and thoroughly wipe down all surfaces inside the fridge, including shelves, drawers and walls. For stubborn stains, sprinkle some baking soda on the cloth and gently scrub. Rinse with clean water and dry the surfaces thoroughly. Avoid spraying water through a pipe in the interiors, as it can damage the fridge motor.

Tackling the Bad Smells inside the Fridge

Combat lingering smells by utilising effective fridge smell removers such as vinegar. Place a bowl of vinegar on the top shelf of your fridge and leave it overnight. The vinegar will absorb unpleasant smells leaving your fridge smelling fresh. Alternatively, use a damp cloth sprinkled with baking soda to wipe the interior surfaces. You can also leave an open box of baking soda in the fridge to absorb odours continuously.

Cleaning the Fridge Exteriors

Do not neglect the exterior of your fridge. Wipe down the doors, handles, and visible surfaces using a solution of mild dish soap and water. Thoroughly dry the exterior to prevent streaks or water spots.

Reorganising and Temperature Control in Fridge

After completing the deep cleaning, reorganise the contents of your fridge, ensuring proper temperature control. For single-door refrigerators, follow storage guidelines to maintain optimal cooling efficiency. Keep your fridge uncluttered to promote good airflow and circulation.

By following the above steps about how to remove smells from a fridge, you can effectively eliminate unpleasant odours and maintain a fresh-smelling appliance. Regular cleaning and appropriate storage practices will help prevent bad smells in the future and ensure your fridge's longevity. By maintaining a clean, odour-free fridge, you can enjoy a delightful kitchen experience!

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